A pioneering software and internet entrepreneur, leader, networker, and investor. Rick loves technology and building healthy organizations. During his career, venture capital has been a continual theme, either as the entrepreneur leader receiving venture funds or as the venture investor.
Broomfield, Colorado
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$100K - $500K
$500K - $1M
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Funds they're a part of
SpringTime Ventures
About the Fund
SpringTime Ventures is a $30M AUM seed-stage technology fund. They invest in passionate founders with profound industry insights, providing capital and guidance when they need it most.
They do NOT invest in hardware, biotech. pharma. medical devices. Cannabis, So-called “vice” industries, Movies, Consumer Packaged Goods, and DTC.
They do NOT invest in hardware, biotech. pharma. medical devices. Cannabis, So-called “vice” industries, Movies, Consumer Packaged Goods, and DTC.
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