Entrepreneur, venture investor and brand builder of iconic, category-defining, multi-billion dollar consumer businesses. I've been a consumer leader at every stage of a company lifecycle. As an operator I've lead and re-positioned heritage brands through changing market dynamics, been on the IPO rocket-ship, experienced being inside of a company acquisition and integration, and have witnessed spectacular company implosion and failure first hand. I've helped co-found a brand from scratch, raised hundreds of millions of venture capital, worked inside a blue-chip VC firm as a partner and LP as well as personally invested in 50+ companies. Separate of my bay-area entrepreneurial adventures I was the owner of the largest independent beverage co-packer in the country and have a stake in a dozen Midwestern community banks. Today founder / GP of Offline Ventures a $160m early stage venture fund and start-up studio. Personal passions revolve around music, art, culture and fitness.
San Francisco, California
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$100K - $500K
$500K - $1M
$1M - $3M
$3M - $10M
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Series A
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Web3 / Crypto
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Offline Ventures
About the Fund
Believes that best ideas happen offline. Offline Ventures is Interested in companies that are driven by both profit and purpose while taking great care of the world around them
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