Funds they're a part of

Health Technology Holding (HTH)

About the Fund
HTH is a full fledge investment and advisory company investing alongside bright innovators dedicated to improve humans’ health.

Since 2016, the team has been working closely with pharma companies to successfully invest in life science ventures and to provide innovation capabilities to large corporations.

As an Investor, HTH is an hands-on actor, taking pro-active roles in early stages startup providing not just capital, but opening companies to a vast network of possible stakeholders. As an advisor, HTH provides client with the best solutions to approach life science and strives to open innovation pathways and opportunities for its clients.

They have a scientific-based approach: for them there is no business if there is no science. For HTH, PoC data, scientific rationale, animal models, MoA understanding are pillars of the due diligence process. Usually, they undergo a deep analysis phase, in which we also undertake interview to clinicians, KOLs, patient associations etc. Their due diligence process last no more than 1 or 2 months.
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