Ann Miura-Ko is a co-founding Partner at Floodgate. A repeat member of the Forbes Midas List and the New York Times Top 20 Venture Capitalists Worldwide, Ann was also named the “Most Powerful Woman in Startups” by Forbes. Ann is well-known in Silicon Valley as a pioneer investor in highly technical companies because of her background as a PhD in math modeling of infosec at Stanford. Her deep interest in technology began as a child – her father was a NASA rocket scientist – and her expertise developed as an undergraduate at Yale, where she participated in the Robocup Competition in Paris, France. Ann has also made significant investments in consumer (commerce, curation), marketplaces, and software for SMBs and solopreneurs. Some of Ann’s investments include Lyft (where she is still a board member), Xamarin, Monthly, Popshop, Emotive, and Refinery29.
Palo Alto, California
Notable investments
Check size range(s)
$100K - $500K
$500K - $1M
$1M - $3M
$3M - $10M
Rounds their fund invests in
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Sectors their fund invests in
Web3 / Crypto
Geographies their fund invests in

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About the Fund
Focuses on early stage investments in technology companies. Founded by Mike Maples Jr. and Ann Miura-Ko.
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